Langley School's Crossroads Building Wins Excellence in Construction Award | McLean, VA
The Crossroads Building at The Langley School construction project in McLean, VA takes home Excellence in Construction Award.

Landon School Tops Out In Bethesda, MD
Our Landon School project team recently celebrated the topping-out milestone of the new Boehly Upper School building. Landon students, faculty, and staff had the opportunity to sign the final steel beam before it was placed on the structure.

See The Langley School's Newest Building in McLean, VA
The Crossroads Building at The Langley School construction project in McLean, VA, is complete. See the final photos.

The Langley School Celebrates Opening of New "Crossroads" Building
The Langley School kicked off its school year by hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their Crossroads Building, a new multi-purpose academic facility that will house the primary school, fifth grade, library and media center, and a large multi-purpose space.

Paulist Fathers Breaks Ground in Washington DC
The Paulist Fathers, along with Coakley & Williams Construction (CWC) and Capital Projects Management Firm, recently broke ground for the new Paulist House of Mission and Studies in Washington, DC.

See Our New Project: Landon School
Learn more about our new commercial project: Landon School in Bethesda, MD.