In the Media: AIA|DC 2019 Chapter Design Award Winners
Photography by Lauren Davis / Feinknopf
Bancroft Elementary School
Ayers Saint Gross
Bancroft Elementary School is located in the historic Mount Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, DC. This 500-student public school serves Pre-K through fifth grade with a concentration on a dual language program where students receive instruction in both Spanish and English. The school also offers an Adult Education program that provides infant and child care for the participants.
With original buildings constructed in 1923 and 1932, Bancroft Elementary School received a phased modernization and a 75,000 square foot addition as part of a Capital Improvement Plan. The design provides two south-facing wings parallel to Newton Street, connected with a main spine extending from the existing main entrance to form a cohesive campus. The main spine includes a library, media center, cafeteria, and a multi-purpose room that provides separate and secure access to public functions independent of the academic wings. The north side of the school site directly abuts Rock Creek Park (Piney Branch Park), despite limited access due to the steep topography along the park edge. The addition respects the natural topography and is perched atop the natural contours to create a “tree house” effect for the north academic wing, culminating with a nature center located at the end of the main circulation spine.
Presented by the Design Team from Ayers Saint Gross, AIA|DC's Committee on Architecture for Education hosted a tour of this unique school in February 2019.
In April, AIA|DC announced that the project earned a 2019 Excellence in Architecture Award.
Quoted from AIA | DC
The Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA|DC) Awards Program recognizes excellence in the categories of architecture, interior architecture, historic resources and urban design/master planning. The program not only demonstrates the value of good design, but also illustrates the wide variety of services performed by architects. It is conducted independently of other awards programs sponsored by the national American Institute of Architects and other AIA components.
The Jury met on April 2nd, 2019 and the following recognitions were awarded:
The 2019 Design Awards Jury:
Andrew West, AIA – Elkus Manfredi Architects, Boston, MA
Barbara A. Campagna, FAIA, LEED AP – Barbara A. Campagna/Architecture + Planning, PLLC, Buffalo, NY
James E. Richärd, AIA – richärd+bauer, Phoenix, AZ
Michael Gabellini, FAIA – Gabellini Sheppard Associates, New York, NY
Dina Griffin, FAIA, NOMA, IIDA – Interactive Design Architects, Chicago, IL
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